

Makerspace users are always working on something cool! Lots of the projects require materials we don’t have on hand. If you have an idea for a project and you can’t find the resources in the makerspace, you can apply for a grant to help fund your project by filling out the Project Funding form.

Below are some of the projects that our grant helped fund. If you want to know more about these projects, ask the stewards at makerspace-management-l@g.apipros.net.

A hand holding two purple tool handles that are made of anodized titanium.

Anodized Titanium Handles

Gabriel Zwillinger

Using the power supplies at the electronics bench and the theory of electrolytic dissociation, this user anodized silver titanium tool handles to attain a brilliant blue color. A current running through the handles while they were suspended in a conductive baking soda solution manipulated the oxide layer on the surface of the titanium to produce a colorful finish.

Left: A layout of floral-patterned stamps with a gap for a block of text on the left side. Right: A broadside print on a large piece of paper with floral stamps surrounding a block of text.

Broadside Printing


Isabel was tasked with creating a broadside print for a Hand Press Printing class. The designs were cut out using our Glowforge 3D laser printer and the text and designs were printed on the printing press.

Two rectangular cutting boards with vertical stripes made of different kinds of wood.



Amy made two cutting boards for her family as Christmas presents! She made them out of maple, mahogany, and purpleheart wood. 来制作这些, Amy used several machines in the machine shop, including the miter saw, 台锯, 磨坊.

Five differently-colored potholders that are quilted to depict a brain.

Brain Art Potholders


Kate used images from her own MRI to create quilted potholders of her brain! She used a modern trapunto quilting method to give the potholders more 3-dimensionality, basted the layers together, and got to quilting.

The back side of an electric guitar depicting how the electronics have been hooked up.


Clayson Briggs, 艾娃 Fascetti, and Brian McNair

Clayson, 艾娃, and Brian built a custom Stratocaster-type guitar using the resources available through the makerspace and the machine shop. After digging online about potentiometers, 吉他皮卡, and coil-splitting circuits, they created their own schematic for the guitar and went to work assembling it!