Hank Riggs

Harvey Mudd College’s Third President

Hank Riggs

February 25, 1935–June 10, 2015

Henry E. (“Hank”) Riggs, past president of Harvey Mudd College, former vice president for development at Stanford University, founder and first president of Keck Graduate Institute, died at his home in Palo Alto on June 10, after a brief illness. His wife and children were at his side. 追悼会计划于6月23日下午2:30在斯坦福校园的阿利拉加校友中心举行.

里格斯作为企业家、教授、作家和高等教育的领导者有着非凡的职业生涯. 他不断寻求挑战,他的远见从根本上塑造了他所参与的每一个机构. Throughout his life, his abiding passion was for teaching, and he taught up until a few weeks before his death. He will be remembered for his immense talent, enduring vision, uncompromising integrity and enormous generosity.

After graduating from Stanford in 1957 and Harvard Business School in 1960, Riggs曾担任Icore Industries的总裁和Measurex Corporation的首席财务官. 1967年,他开始在斯坦福大学兼职教学,1974年成为全职教师. His best-known course at Stanford was Industrial Accounting (IE 133). 从1978年到1983年,他担任斯坦福大学工业工程和工程管理系的主席. He held the Thomas W. Ford professorship in the school of engineering. 1980年,他获得了斯坦福大学的最高杰出教学奖(Walter J. Gores Award). 当他骑着自行车穿过校园去上课时,他穿着西装,打着标志性的领结,显得相当引人注目.

1988年,里格斯被任命为加州克莱蒙特太阳2平台院长. During his nine years as president, the College expanded its campus, increased enrollment and endowment, and launched new departments in biology and computer science. He and his wife, Gayle, 通过对每个选区的个人关怀和承诺,丰富了哈维马德社区, strengthening the bonds of the College community. 他们都在1997年获得了哈维穆德校友会的荣誉校友奖, and Riggs received an honorary doctorate from the College in 2006.

里格斯作为硅谷企业家的早期职业生涯让他确信,高校需要更加灵活和创业,以服务学生和公众利益. In 1997, Hank founded the seventh Claremont College, the Keck Graduate Institute of Applied Life Sciences (KGI). He served as the institution’s first president until 2003. 他对凯基的愿景是基于他的信念,即生命科学将主导21世纪,需要新的机构来培养这一领域的未来领导者.

Riggs wrote books and articles on accounting, management and finance for students and the general public. His influential 2011 New York Times 他的专栏文章《太阳2注册平台》(The Price of Perception)挑战了一流大学设定学费的做法. He also served on numerous corporate and nonprofit boards.

In his personal life Riggs had two great loves: his family and travel. 他和他的妻子盖尔(Gayle)通过他们的自行车和欧罗巴(Eurovan)看到了世界上很多地方. 70岁时,里格斯买了他的第一艘船“是时候了”,并成为了一名熟练的船长. Five years later, he solo-captained his boat to Alaska and back.

里格斯在伊利诺伊州欣斯代尔长大,是约瑟夫和格雷琴·里格斯最小的孩子. 他在斯坦福大学读本科时遇到了盖尔·卡森,并于1958年结婚. He is survived by his loving wife Gayle Riggs; his sister Ruth Wendel; his children Betsy McCarthy (Andy) of Seattle; Peter Riggs (Kathleen) of Harstine Island, Washington; Katie Riggs (John) of Burlingame; and six grandchildren: Sarah, Christopher, Carson, Molly, Sam and Gretchen.