Faculty-led Scholarship in Climate, 环境, 和 Sustainability Fields

Faculty featured here have identified themselves as engaged in scholarship areas that intersect Hixon Center goals, such as clean energy generation, air pollution chemistry, 和 urban bicycle infrastructure. The diverse focus areas shown here illustrate that climate 和 environmental solutions come from every angle, modeling for students how their own passions 和 interests might intersect with a career in climate or sustainability.

Lelia Hawkins 和 students wearing hard hats.

Lelia Hawkins, 化学

Professor Hawkins’ research sits at the intersection of air pollution 和 climate change, with an emphasis in measurements of atmospheric particulate matter.

Recent projects include measurements of air pollution in Claremont 和 Paris, France using aerosol mass spectrometry. We are now setting up a new observation platform in Joshua Tree National Park.

除了, students working with Professor Hawkins often design laboratory studies to simulate a particular process in the atmosphere, such as the reaction of air pollution in clouds.

Dr. Kavassalis with students.

Sarah Kavassalis, 化学

Professor Kavassalis’s research at Mudd is centered around building interdisciplinary, computational tools to improve our ability to simulate Earth’s atmosphere or communicate findings from those simulations.

Our big project right now is focused on determining the applicability 和 limitations of machine learning for air quality prediction. Additional group projects include building cellular automata to simulate atmospheric chemical reactions, improving scientific figures by using computational saliency algorithms, 和 using language models to identify what features of scientific papers make them more likely to get cited by policy makers.

斯蒂芬·C的肖像. 阿道夫.

斯蒂芬·C. 阿道夫,生物学

Our laboratory investigates the physiological, evolutionary, 和 behavioral ecology of 蜥蜴.

Some current research topics include stochastic population dynamics of Xantusia 蜥蜴, optimal foraging in arboreal 蜥蜴, physiological ecology of lizard eggs, 和 the evolution of thermal performance curves. Past projects have investigated tuatara conservation, 狼蛛运动, lizard running performance, 和 lizard thermal biology.

Portrait of Hal Van Ryswyk.

Hal Van Ryswyk, 化学

Professor Van Ryswyk’s team is interested in low-cost photovoltaics, devices that convert sunlight to electricity using material cheaper than silicon.

Current examples include dye-sensitized solar cells 和 colloidal quantum dot solar cells. We do a little of it all — design, 合成, 和 characterization using the tools of chemistry, 物理, 材料科学.


Weiqing Gu, 数学

I love to work with my students by applying machine learning 和 big data analysis to solve real world problems. Machine Learning on Minimizing Irrigation Water for Lawns was published with a former student, Zhaocheng Yi.

Student working on machine.

Chris Clark, 工程

在过去十年里, researchers in the Lab for Autonomous 和 Intelligent Robotics have been studying 和 modeling the motion behaviors of fish 和 sharks, as well as the habitats they reside in, via autonomous robot systems. 最近, our team collaborated with CSU Long Beach 和 the University of Costa Rica to study Nurse sharks 和 Sea turtles along the coast of Costa Rica.

ICEX 2022:哥斯达黎加

学生 wearing bicycle revolution jerseys.


Paul Steinberg is Professor of Political Science 和 环境al Policy at Harvey Mudd College, 他导演的地方 The Social Rules Project. Courses include comparative environmental politics, global environmental politics, 热带森林, 和 自行车革命.

Portrait of 凯瑟琳年代. 麦克费登.

凯瑟琳年代. 麦克费登

Professor 麦克费登’s research addresses the evolutionary relationships of marine organisms, primarily corals belonging to the cnidarian sub-class Octocorallia. She 和 her students use a variety of molecular techniques to address the phylogenetic relationships among higher taxa of octocorals, relationships of genera 和 species boundaries in the soft coral family Alcyoniidae, 和 the evolutionary consequences of hybridization between species in the soft coral genus Alcyonium. Much of the ongoing work in the lab focuses on the use of genomic data to construct a molecular phylogeny for the Cnidarian sub-class Anthozoa (corals 和 sea anemones) as part of the NSF-funded 珊瑚虫UCEs项目

Portrait of 凯瑟琳·米. 范Heuvelen.

凯瑟琳·米. 范Heuvelen

Transition metals play a wide variety of roles in nature, including the catalysis of difficult chemical transformations. However, the complexity of biological systems often complicates detailed studies of catalytic cycles. My research centers on the design 和 characterization of small model complexes that mimic key geometric 和 electronic properties of metalloenzyme active sites. 特别是, we are studying nickel 和 cobalt complexes using multiple spectroscopic 和 computational techniques.

Portrait of 惠特尼·福勒.


惠特尼·福勒 designs 和 synthesizes bio-inspired materials to detect contaminants in water. 她得了B.E. in chemical 和 biomolecular engineering from V和erbilt University. She then worked for a nonprofit organization where she mentored undergraduate students before beginning work on her PhD at University of Chicago, Pritzker School of Molecular 工程. Under the co-advisement of professors Matthew Tirrell 和 Juan de Pablo, she designed materials to selectively isolate 和 recycle phosphate from aqueous solutions. She says she loves engineering 和 mentorship because of the potential to “bring about good in students’ lives 和 through them to the world around us,” so she looks forward to “holistically training up the next generation of diverse engineers to tackle pressing 和 complex global issues.”


Dre Helmns

Dre Helmns does research in the area of energy storage 和 conversion. A postdoctoral researcher at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, they are working to develop decarbonized space conditioning 和 water heating systems that incorporate heat pumps, 热能储存, evaporative cooling 和 waste heat recovery components. 具体地说, they use 物理-based modeling of thermal equipment to enable innovative design 和 optimal operation of integrated energy systems for buildings 和 districts. As a queer 和 trans scholar 和 educator, Helmns aspires to transform the culture of engineering by cultivating inclusive learning environments 和 making space for new leaders, while contributing to sustainable solutions for our climate crisis. Their degrees in mechanical engineering are from University of California, Berkeley (PhD 和 M.S.) 和 Loyola Marymount University (B.S.). (2023年1月开始)



黛德长 is an environmental economist who applies microeconomic theory 和 econometrics to better underst和 the economic drivers 和 environmental consequences of environmental policies. She estimates the value of a clean environment 和 healthy ecosystems as well as how public 和 private incentives can be designed to promote the provision of environmental public goods. Long’s recent research focused on the health effects of air pollution, consumer preferences for eco-labeling 和 the economic benefits of coastal ecosystem restoration. She earned her PhD in applied economics with a specialization in environmental economics from Oregon State University 和 recently served as an assistant professor at California State University Long Beach.