
What is unique about service learning is that it offers direct application of theoretical models. 以下是我们目前与社区合作的课程.


指导教师:Haushalter教授, karl_haushalter@apipros.net


本课程涵盖HIV感染的分子生物学, the biochemistry of antiviral interventions; and the causes and impact of the global HIV-AIDS pandemic, 包括艾滋病毒和艾滋病之间的相互关系, 偏见, 比赛, 和耻辱. This course will be offered for the first time as an Inside-Out course in partnership with the California Rehabilitation Center (CRC) for men in Norco, CA. 要了解更多太阳2注册平台Inside-Out课程的信息,请访问 内外中心.

CSCI 124:用户界面设计

指导教师:Boerkoel教授, boerkoel@cs.apipros.net

会议时间:TBA 2018-2019

This course is an introduction into both human-computer interaction and user-centered design. It is for students interested in designing computer systems that are both useful and usable for solving real-world problems. 学生 will learn about four core principles of user-centric design: user and task analysis (needs finding), 意念, 原型设计, 用户测试(迭代细化).

通过一系列的设计调查, students will work in teams to design applications that solve real problems facing our local community in a way that uniquely caters to specific user groups. 与新成立的希克森中心合作, this semester’s design theme will be Sustainable Environmental Design. 学生 will work with the Hixon Center to identify local experts and organizations that will help them understand the environmental challenges and needs faced by local community members. Teams will have the opportunity to present their designs at Claremont’s Earth Day Celebration and will compete in a design challenge that will be judged by local community members and experts in environmental sustainability.


指导教师:Steinberg教授, paul_steinberg@apipros.net


This course explores the challenge of creating bike-friendly cities, using this as a window into broader themes surrounding the politics of urban change.  每周我们都会沿着当地的自行车道骑行, 与附近城市的官员和倡导团体会面, 除了在两个星期六进行更长的实地考察之外.  课程阅读将涉及城市规划, 政治科学, 比较公共政策, 城市社会学, 公共卫生, 文化地理. The course is designed for students from all backgrounds and levels of biking experience. 顶点项目将提供分析, 设计提案, 或其他对社区领袖有价值的原创性贡献.  经导师许可入学.

RLST 179D行动主义,天职,正义

指导教师:戴森教授, dyson@g.apipros.net

社区共同教育者:Seth Rushton, sethrushton@gmail.com

会议时间:TBA 2018-2019

Many powerful justice and community rights movements have been built on religious foundations. 同样的, 许多人已经找到了与不公正作斗争的使命, 减轻痛苦, or to improve their corner of the world in religious or spiritual practice. 在本课程中, students will combine community engagement work with their class work; learning about justice, 职业, and service from diverse thinkers and reformers who have found religious meaning in their activist or service work, 或者解释过教义的人, 神学, 或是要求他们采取行动的礼拜仪式. Readings will offer a range of models for thinking about the relationships between religious practices and activism (broadly construed), 尤其是在宗教差异的交汇处, 比赛, 性别, 性, 经济学, 全球政治, 和类.


教师指导:Zayn Kassam, zkassam@pomona.edu

社区教育家:大卫·曼恩, davidthepotter@gmail.com

会议时间:波莫纳学院,周三下午1:15-4点.m. 9月4日起th

通过直接经验, 相关阅读, 结构化的反射, 以及课堂讨论, this course seeks to develop informed responses to the following questions: What are the religious, 道德, and/or simply humane elements that motivate and sustain our social practice? How does our present commitment to justice become a lifelong 职业 of participation and leadership in effective social change? How does our own personal development foster or inhibit our capacity to deal effectively with injustice? 阶级等因素在多大程度上, 性别, and ethnicity determine our assumptions about the human condition and our own role in society? We will address these questions in an intergenerational partnership of students from 克莱蒙特学院 and residents of Pilgrim Place and other Elders similarly committed to social justice. 本课程旨在培养社会/伦理分析的基本技能, 社区组织, 社会创新. All undergraduates will spend 4-5 hours/week in a community placement. Our work together will culminate in undergraduate proposals for a three–to-nine month project of social change in the U.S. 还是在国外.


教师指导:Susan Castagnetto, scastagn@scrippscollege.edu or svc04747@pomona.edu


The course explores issues of crime and punishment through a lens of 性别, 也考虑到性别的交集, 比赛, class, 和性. We will examine issues that bring women into the criminal justice system and that face them in prison and on release, 该制度对母亲和家庭的影响, 以及监狱的性别结构, 等. 在处理这些主题时, we will also consider the nature and purpose of punishment; the current 状态 of the criminal justice system, 包括毒品战争, mass incarceration and the growth of the prison industrial complex; how we define or conceive of crime; the relationships between the criminal justice system and other social and political institutions; whether prisons should be reformed or abolished; changes being made; and how we can make change. 阅读材料来自各种来源和学科, 包括学术工作, 来自媒体的报道, 倡导组织的工作, 还有被监禁作家的第一手资料. 我们还将考虑与课堂主题相关的当前问题. The class includes participation in a multi-session writing workshop with women incarcerated at the California Institution for Women (CIW) on six Tuesday evenings (alternate weeks throughout the semester). 目前正在发展其他社区活动, including a gardening project at CIW that will take place on Saturdays.

POLI 135:食物的政治经济学

教师指导:Nancy NeimanAuerbach, nneiman@scrippscollege.edu


本课程将探讨社会, 文化, 围绕生产的种族和性别权力关系, 分布, 消费, 以及美国和全球的食物浪费. It analyzes contemporary practices in our industrial food system as well as the legacy and impact of global colonial structures on the production, 消费, 以及食物的意义. The course will also take a look at alternative food practices and will explore such practices through community engagement projects, 包括艾米农场的希望合伙人, 韦尔塔德尔山谷社区花园, 以及十字路口星期一无肉计划.