

The Department of 计算机科学 supports three undergraduate major programs:

学生 with off-campus majors have the option to minor in computer science.


学生 should select their CS electives in consultation with their CS faculty adviser. We do have some approved electives.


The following list is taken from the HMC catalog and includes computer science (CSCI), computer science and mathematics (CSMT), and mathematical and computational biology (MCBI) courses. The list may not be reflective of current offerings because it is updated once a year.


The HMC CS Department learning goals are outlined in two parts: goals we have for all HMC students’ computer science education and goals we have for the computer science major.


The sample schedule is intended for the HMC student intending to major in CS.


If you are interested in studying abroad as a CS major, please reach out to the 留学办公室 or view some information related to CS below.


访问 CS学术政策 for the department’s curricular policies.

All Harvey Mudd students take an introductory computer science course as part of the HMC core curriculum. 学生 have a choice of several versions of the introductory course based on previous background and interests. All of the introductory courses emphasize computational problem-solving, 设计与理论, and provide students with both programming skills and a broad exposure to some of the major intellectual ideas in computer science.

The computer science curriculum includes foundational courses in data structures, discrete mathematics (taught by the Department of 数学), 理论与逻辑, 算法, programming language theory, software development and systems, and a large variety of electives from which a student can choose including advanced topics in 算法, 先进的架构, 先进的操作系统, 人工智能, 编译器设计, computational complexity theory, 计算机图形学, 计算机网络, 计算机视觉, 数据库, 以知识为基础的系统, 神经网络, parallel and real-time computation and robotics as well as special topics courses and seminars.

The department runs a regular colloquium series intended to provide our students with a broad exposure to research in computer science.

The innovative 诊所 Program provides students with a capstone experience. A small group of students (typically four seniors) works on a project from an external sponsor (e.g. a software company or government laboratory), taking an idea from “concept-to-product.” Each project has a faculty advisor and a technical liaison from the sponsor.

The department encourages its students to consider studying abroad. With proper planning, our major programs easily accommodate a 留学经历.