Biology Major FAQs

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Off-Campus Courses


No. Biology core courses (Biology 54, 101, 108, 109 and 113) must be taken at HMC. 对于出国留学或参加国内交换学期的学生,如果交换大学有类似的课程,本系可以批准例外(通过请愿).


No. If a biology course is offered both at HMC and at one of the other Claremont Colleges, HMC biology majors must take the HMC course. If exceptional schedule conflicts prevent a student from taking the HMC course, 学生必须获得院系批准(通过请愿)才能注册校外课程.


Yes. With the advisor’s permission, 在Pomona或Keck Joint Science学习的一年有机化学课程可以代替HMC的化学56/58和105/111. For students who elect the molecular biology option, 在波莫纳或凯克联合科学的物理化学课程可以代替HMC的化学51. (Note that these substitutions do not apply to Joint majors in Chemistry & Biology.)


No. 生物研讨会的要求只能通过参加HMC生物系提供的一门研讨会课程来满足.


No. Two upper level laboratory courses must be taken at HMC, selected from among Bio 103: Comparative Physiology Laboratory, Bio 110: Experimental Ecology Laboratory, Bio 111: Molecular & Cellular Biology Laboratory, and Bio/Chem 184: Methods in Biochemistry.

How many credit-hours will I receive for an off-campus course with a lab?

You will receive four credit-hours for an off-campus course with a lab.

Seminar Requirements

What HMC biology courses count as seminar courses?

Seminar courses include Bio121: Marine Ecology (fall), Bio122: Cell & Developmental Biology (spring), Bio164: Genetics (spring), Bio183: Topics in Physiology (fall), Bio189: Topics in Biochemistry & Molecular Biology (fall), and courses listed as Bio185 or 186: Special Topics in Biology. Bio189 is offered yearly; all other seminars are offered on an every other year rotation.


No. 生物研讨会的要求只能通过参加HMC生物系提供的一门研讨会课程来满足.

Laboratory Requirements


No. Two upper level laboratory courses must be taken at HMC, selected from among Bio 103: Comparative Physiology Laboratory, Bio 110: Experimental Ecology Laboratory, Bio 111: Molecular & Cellular Biology Laboratory, and Bio/Chem 184: Methods in Biochemistry.


No. Biology majors and joint majors may not substitute Chemistry 111 (Organic Lab) for an upper-level biology lab.

Biology Major Electives

Can I substitute a non-biology technical elective for an upper-level biology course?

Yes. With the advisor’s approval, 完成常规生物专业的学生可以用一门非生物技术选修课代替高级生物选修课. Generally, 这种例外情况只有在非生物学课程对生物学特定领域的连贯集中有贡献时才会被批准(经常批准的课程的例子是生物工程和生物物理化学)。. 完成生物学专业分子生物学选修课的学生可以用一门额外的化学课程代替高级生物学课程. 非生物学课程不能用于完成生物学研讨会或高级实验室的要求. Joint majors in Chemistry & 生物不能代替额外的化学课程作为高级生物选修课.


No. Biology majors and joint majors may not substitute Chemistry 111 (Organic Lab) for an upper-level biology lab.


No. 生物学161/162(研究问题)不能用于完成生物学或联合专业所需的高级单元.


Yes. 最多两个单元的生物197/198(定向阅读)可以用来完成高级生物选修单元. If an independent laboratory research project is conducted for Biology 197/198 credit, the results must be presented either in a formal written report, or as an oral or poster presentation at a regional or national meeting.


No. Two upper level laboratory courses must be taken at HMC, selected from among Bio 103: Comparative Physiology Laboratory, Bio 110: Experimental Ecology Laboratory, Bio 111: Molecular & Cellular Biology Laboratory, and Bio/Chem 184: Methods in Biochemistry.

Colloquium Requirements


All Biology majors must complete four semesters of colloquium (Biology 191/192). Joint Chemistry & Biology and Mathematical & Computational Biology majors must complete two semesters of biology colloquium. If colloquium conflicts with another required 为大学体育运动或正式的大学音乐团体安排的课程或练习, 学生可以向太阳2注册平台提交请愿书,要求允许参加另一种讨论会. 另一种选择通常需要参加指定数量的校外生物研讨会,并向太阳2注册平台研讨会协调员提交一份简短的书面摘要. 生物学专业的学生不得参加超过两次的另类专题讨论会, and no more than once by joint majors. 请注意,完成分子生物学选项的学生可以用两个学期的化学199代替生物学191/192.

Pass/Fail Courses

Can I take a pass/fail course in the biology major?

No. 通过或不通过的课程不能计入生物专业或其他联合专业的结业成绩.

Course Changes

How do I go about substituting courses or making changes to my major?

petition form (PDF) 是否需要申请课程替换或更改生物学专业要求.



Yes. 如果你获得了生物课52的安排,并且选修了生物核心课程或生物选修课作为替代, that course can be counted towards the biology or joint majors.

If I study abroad, what biology courses can I count towards the major?

In general, any upper-level biology course (i.e. 一门课程,最低限度的入门生物学作为先决条件)采取国外可以用来完成无限制的生物选修单位. 在国外学习的课程不能代替生物学研讨会或高级实验课程的要求, which must be taken at HMC. Courses taken abroad can substitute for biology core courses (101, 108, 109 or 113) only if departmental approval is obtained (by petition) in advance. 在国外学习的学生,可以免除一学期的生物学术讨论会的要求.